Fall Back
I have been using the time this morning to make some changes to the birds' cage accessories, and put the new mats under them - took forever to find ones that would work. I found them in the automotive section - they're truck cargo mats. Perfect for under big bird cages. I had clear plastic runners under them before that, but I had to put 2 under each cage, and they were a pain in the butt.
Now the birdies have their new mats, along with some new perches & new toys - you have to swap out their toys regularly so they won't get bored. I also got them mirrors so they can talk to themselves during the day if they don't want to talk to each other. :-D
Now I've gotta go take care of the rest of the house, and then I'll be playing Nightfall some more! Yay!
I hope everyone else is having a good weekend! :-)
**Edit** Blogger wouldn't let me post this until now... "There were errors". Grr.